
Making a Sale

For us, a great sense of relief comes from passing along well-loved treasures to new homes (aka getting rid of junk).  It’s just so nice to open that hall closet withOUT the fear of avalanching porcelain dolls, too tight jeans, and dorm room lamps.  And really there’s no better way to find new homes for these once-cherished items than a good ole fashioned yard sale – or garage sale, or rummage sale, or, in our case, carport sale.  In honor of this great American tradition, we thought we might share some tips we learned from hosting a sale of our own.

While it’s true that a seasoned yard-saler will find any and all sales any given Saturday, it remains quite important to publicize your sale.  We began the day with only a couple signs at one nearby intersection.  When we noticed an abnormally low flow of shoppers, we stapled up more signs, posted some pics on Craigslist and voila – Black Friday at Target on the carport.

It’s also important to make shopping easy on your customers.  They will be much more likely to buy if clothes are on hangers and similar items are displayed together.  Shopping a carefully curated collection is much more appealing than digging through a cardboard box of mismatched socks.

Finally, give your items reasonable prices.  While you may have paid a small fortune for those designer jeans in 2010, you will not sell them for more than $3 at your yard sale.  If you want to get top dollar for your gently worn collection of bridesmaid dresses, you will find much more success with an online auction site like Ebay.  Your typical yard sale shopper is out for a great bargain and may not fully appreciate the name brand on your old handbags.  Moving merchandise is the name of the game, so price accordingly.

If all else fails, give your shoppers a snack.  A little hospitality goes a long way.  Our new friends loved trying samples of our strawberry jam.
Place your order by emailing makingitcrafts@gmail.com!

Good luck and happy selling!

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